Roof Monitor Tip: When Waiting is the Smart Move

Snow blankets U.S. 20 in Oregon. Photo by the Oregon Department of Transportation.

Snow blankets U.S. 20 in Oregon. Photo by the Oregon Department of Transportation.

It’s somewhat counterintuitive, but it’s true: prematurely removing water or snow from a roof can do more harm than good.

You could damage what’s called the roof’s “membrane,” prompting a need to patch your roof, which shortens the roof’s overall lifespan. Plus, repairs needed after damage caused by clearing can be just as costly as a roof collapse.

So how do you know when it’s time to clean off the roof?

For many businesses, preventing roof collapses feels like a game of Russian roulette. Judgments are rooted in gut feelings or experience, and procedures for actually getting the job done haven’t changed for hundreds of years.

That’s why we invented Roof Monitor.

Roof Monitor replaces hunches and antiquated processes with game-changing technology. It’s more than an exciting new product: it’s our mission.

But if heavy snow or torrential rain hits before you’re able to install Roof Monitor, and you have questions, please call us. We’ll direct you to roofing experts who will inspect your building and give you invaluable advice about when to clear—and when to wait.



Snow blankets U.S. 20 in Oregon. Photo by the Oregon Department of Transportation

Posted on: October 29, 2014

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